Crowning and protecting our homes, the Shrine rises from where she blesses her children the Mother of God in El Puig.

Welcome to the website of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Angels from el Puig, Patroness of the Kingdom of Valencia since 1237.
Jaime I ordered the construction of this Royal Monastery, entrusted to the Order of Mercy in El Puig de Santa María, 14 kilometers North of the city of Valencia.
A treasure unknown to many, National Monument, B.I.C., strategic enclave, crossroads: Via Augusta; Path of Saint Vicente Mártir; Path del Cid, Route of the Holy Grail. And Residence of the Spanish Royal House.
Its exterior architecture is striking, but inside there is much more to discover.
Come and see, We are here to guide and serve you.
The community of Religious Mercedarian.
Guided Tours

Spanish, Valencian, English, Italian and German, script in several languages available in store.

Contribution for the maintenance of the building: Individual 4€. Reduced 3€ (in group with reservation)

From Tuesday to Saturday at 10h, 11h, 12h, 16h and 17h. Sundays and public holidays at 12h noon. Closed Monday
Parish Activities
The Parish Church is part of the architectural ensemble of the Royal Monastery, its owner is Our Lady of the Angels. It is the first Parish entrusted to the Order of Mercy that was received by its founder Saint Pedro Nolasco in the year 1237.

Know the schedule of the Eucharist celebrated in the Parish Church. «I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, he who believes in me will never be thirsty.

In the Parish Office you can find out and arrange the celebration of a Sacrament: Baptism, Marriage … As well as how to collect Certificates of Baptism, Confirmation …

The charitable action of the Church is called Caritas. It is the way in which the Christian Community helps those who need it most. Know how to help or receive help.

The command of Jesus «Go and proclaim the Gospel» is made concrete in catechesis. That he also forms and prepares to receive the Sacraments. Catechesis from the Mercedarian Charism.

A perfect place for its beauty and grandiosity to seal your religious wedding commitment. If you so decided, her you have all the information you need.

The Charism of the Order of Mercy is present in all pastoral activities. Since 1237 the Mercedarian presence has accompanied Parish spirituality.
Your Opinion Counts
Gigantic Renaissance monastery, with a spectacular color due to the order. Guided visit previously arranged.
María José lives it and enjoys it and that transfers it to the visitors. To stay with your mouth open.
March 2019
I got married in this Church. My son was baptized and he also took his first communion here. I keep very special moments from this place; and the Priests who officiated each mass are the reason that those moments were unforgettable, for their kindness and their closeness to us. The Church captivated me the first time I entered.
July 2021
Just 14 km from Valencia is the Puig monastery, a very good experience to have visited this place and the guide named María José, very nice, explaining everything in a super cordial dialogue with her, I recommend a visit to the monastery, a mythical site for Valencians where the conquest of our city was held for only 4€, great visit, thank you very much for everything.
December 2020
It is incredible, well cared for, many details that the guide tells you, you do not have to go abroad to see things. Here in Valencia there are also them. It is a wonder!
August 2021
An architectural and artistic gem of a category. We made the visit with a magnificent guide, María José, who valued it with professionalism, knowledge and kindness.
November 2020
It is a spectacular building. Only you say that from different kilometers, by road, you can see it… It is one of the buildings more representative of the identity and the history of the Valencian Country. A side, the printing museum that lodges in the interior is highly notable.
June 2021